

Attempts by manufacturers to differentiate their games caused rapid evolution in the field, leading to elements like electric bumpers and flippers, which increased the amount of chance and level of player control to the game. Other imitators quickly followed, with the term "pin ball" used to describe them after the release of Mill's 1932 Official game. It was affordable for most drugstore and tavern owners to purchase, and quickly recouped its costs with people seeking cheap entertainment during The Great Depression. While it was not the first game of its type, David Gottlieb's Baffle Ball is considered the first commercially-successful "pin game". Arcade Game vendors in the 19th and 20th centuries added pins, spring launchers, scoring troughs, and flashing lights to these "marble games". Though the game is believed to be based on ground billiards games, the original pre-pinball game is generally accepted to be bagatelle invented in France in the 17th century, it was an indoor game where players would shoot balls with a stick from one end into score holes.

pinball pinball

Truly devoted players have created their own games, either by retheming an existing pin or by building original tables from scratch. Even today, fans continue to collect tables as a hobby, and a vintage table in excellent condition can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Although their popularity in arcades have been diminished by the rise of Video Games, pinball continues to live on, whether it's via Pinball Spinoffs of popular video games, digital emulation of Physical Pinball Tables, or original tables made for both commercial establishments and private collectors.


Most tables have a theme, often with a license of some kind. Thousands of pinball tables have been created in the lifetime of the genre.


Free games, called "Specials", can be earned either by very skilled playing or by random award at the end of a game. Skilled players can extend their playtime by keeping the ball in play as long as possible and earning extra balls bumping, nudging, and slapping the table to affect the ball's behavior are legitimate gameplay techniques, but excessive force will invoke a TILT and cause the player to lose the current ball. Points are scored by striking certain targets and completing various objectives, and a player's turn ends when the ball drains off the bottom of the playfield. Pinball is a type of Arcade Game where players score points by manipulating one or more steel balls on a playfield inside a glass-covered cabinet.
